Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Professor Oglevee Is Gay

Monicotterate - The long history of local and Mattozzi remaining a member of the dynasty founded by

confess that he had never set foot outside the house in my life to celebrate the feast of ridiculous women. Or at least what it has become. The invitation of the Women of the wine, which are recent member, to make a leap from the Colonial, the wine bar Lina Esposito, however, gave me a pleasant surprise, or rather two: the smiling host of a group of entrepreneurs who grows and seems to feed a user wants to get together and do the same and the beauty of the Enoteca. Of the thirty minutes that I stopped there (alas! after an interminable giornarta I conclude with these lines of tribute to my gender), I spent twenty out of curiosity. So many beautiful products charged with honest, a lot of curiosity in Naples Via Francesco Giordani.

another woman's bell, then. A product which ignored the existence (see photo). Many women have taken the wine even if only for a greeting and a glass of wine. Among others the National President Elena Martusciello, director of Campania, and many different members. Up to 21.00 sampling of the labels of some members of the Association of cellars (thanks to them!). Thanks to the Women of Wine for this release 8 March in which, strange but true, I could not find even the tail of the frenzied last-minute party that must at all costs, those who may remind you of her friends once 'year.
Viva Women, Wine and today and forever! monicapiscitelli photo: end of the evening with MIAvallone and Lina Esposito (second and fourth from left).


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