Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Anita Dark Movies In Spanish

Monicotterate - My first release for the March 8: Wine? No: Women of Wine!

Tuesday, March 15 - at the headquarters of the Chamber of Commerce of Benevento in Piazza IV Novembre, 1 - is called the public hearing concerning the request for recognition and modification of the disciplinary Denomination of Origin of the Province Benevento.
The event is scheduled from 10:00 am. The hearing was organized by the Consorzio Tutela Vini Samnium, the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Forestry, the Campania Region, Wines by the National Protection and the Chamber of Commerce of Benevento. The public hearing - to be chaired officials from the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Forestry and the National Committee wines - is inherent in the application to amend the specification of the wines of Denomination of Origin "know" the application for approval of the DOC wines "of Falanghina Sannio "the application for approval of the Denomination of Origin Controlled and Guaranteed Wine" Aglianico del Taburno.
The meeting is open to anyone with an interest in participating, representatives of municipalities, public and private organizations, wine growers, wine makers, bottlers and other actors in the chain. All disciplines are viewed is levied on the website of the Consorzio Tutela Vini Samnium (www.samnium.eu Section News), the Official Bulletin of the Campania Region, and available at the headquarters of the Consortium Samnium.
Source: CS


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