Friday, November 26, 2010

How Much Does Wwe Title Weigh


Senator Tancredi (PDL), draftsman of the Bill of stability, introduced the bill on securities reported as the Senate is for the first time to assess the bill of stability in lieu of draft budget law, in light of the new accounting law. Despite the beginning of his process to the Lower House contains few provisions, the text in question, in the course of another branch of the Parliament have increased significantly the number of rules due to the choice by the Government to include interventions considered to be of significant interest, even going beyond the limits of content the law of its stability, but justified by the need to address the current situation of economic and financial crisis. The text approved by the Chamber of Deputies, as it also marked by measures designed to develop the economy, still has a broader than expected from the new accounting law and public finance. In a nutshell, states that the main measures of the bill of stability are represented by support to economic growth, protection of certain categories most exposed to economic crisis and the provisions relating to the internal stability pact.
notes that the deficit / GDP ratio as a whole for the entire European Union rose to 6.8 percent from the 2.3 percent in 2009. Regarding the debt, the Eurozone shows an increase to 79.2 percent from 69.8 percent the previous year and an enlarged Europe to 74 percent from 61.8 percent the previous year. Among the countries showing the largest deficit / GDP ratio, apart from Ireland, characterized, as is known, from a very specific situation, there is obviously Greece with 15.4 percent, followed by the United Kingdom 11 , 4 percent, Spain 11, 1 per cent and Portugal at 9.3 percent. Italy is not among the countries with the worst situation, with a deficit / GDP ratio confirmed at 5.3 per cent, against 7.5 percent in France, but the debt is confirmed among the highest in Europe, at 116 percent, just behind Greece, which sees increased the debt to 126.8 percent.
In this framework, with reference to net borrowing requirement and the net changes in spending and revenues tend to cancel and have a negligible impact on the balances in current legislation, which - as everyone knows - incorporating measures of the Decree- Law 78, 2010. The net movement, ie the net size of the correction of outstanding balances, the sum of higher net revenues and lower net expenses for 2011 lead to the improvement of the balance of 0.9 million, 1.6 million in 2012 and 0.4 million in 2013. With regard to the net borrowing requirement of the state budget, reports that the financial effects of the measure under consideration involve a worsening equal to 824 million in 2011, 2.8 billion in 2012 and 9.5 billion in 2013. The difference in overall impact than the other balances due to the fact that the refinancing of the Revolving Fund for Community policies, EUR 5.5 billion in 2013, is the reshaping of the Fund under-utilized areas, amounting to 1,000 million in 2011 to 3 billion in 2012 and four billion in 2013, with a consequent reduction of 8,000 million in 2014 and later, are all assessed as having no effect in terms of equity and debt needs. Moving on to examine the articles, the device bears in Article 1, paragraph 1, the usual setting the maximum level of net borrowing for the year 2011, net debt adjustments, to 41.9 billion euro and the level maximum use of the market for the same period of € 268 billion. Among the measures that characterize the stability of the bill for 2011 will report the first integration of 800 million euro for 2011 and € 500 million from the year 2012 of the Ordinary Fund University . In addition, it established a credit tax, the spending limit of € 100 million for 2011, for firms that rely on research and development at universities or public research institutions. Again, always in the university sector, we report the integration of 100 million euro fund to take action to supplement to be distributed among regions for the cost of lending and disbursement of scholarships. For the first half of 2011 was provided for the refinancing of the Fund for international peacekeeping missions amounting to EUR 750 million. In terms of labor and worker protection was provided for the year 2011 increase in funding from the Social Fund for Employment and Training, in order to continue in the provision del trattamento di cassa integrazione e guadagni, di mobilità e di disoccupazione speciale. A tale proposito si rammenta l'introduzione della facoltà di prolungare l'intervento di tutela del reddito per il periodo di tempo necessario al raggiungimento della decorrenza del trattamento pensionistico, nei limiti del Fondo sociale per l'occupazione e la formazione, nonché la previsione volta a consentire l'applicazione, nel limite di 10 mila unità, della normativa previgente in materia di decorrenza dei trattamenti pensionistici per una serie di lavoratori che maturino i requisiti per l'accesso al pensionamento a decorrere dal 1° gennaio 2011. Inoltre, una particolare attenzione è stata rivolta ai giovani lavoratori destinando 100 milioni di € to training during the apprenticeship. Again indicates the extension for 2011 tax relief scheme contracts and productivity in particular the income received as a result of increased productivity and overtime. This measure will lead to charges for 835 million in 2011 and € 263 million in 2012. It was then extended by the so-called ecobonus by 55 percent for the redevelopment of buildings and homes. The facility will be used until 31 December 2011 and diluted in 10 years. Were then provided a series of interventions in favor of non-state schools, benevolence of school textbooks, the extension of 5 per thousand, support to the publishing sector and state universities are not legally recognized, the continuation of employment of workers socially useful. A set of measures that resources have been allocated for about 800 million euro. In the agricultural sector also points out the actions in favor of small rural properties and redetermination of contribution relief for agricultural employers in disadvantaged areas, facilities that are made permanent.
In the health sector is integrated into the national health service funding to € 348 million, as a proportion of the total amount of € 834 million to be disbursed for the year 2011. Under the pact on health were then introduced a series of measures in respect of health regions in deficit. As part of the information, in addition to the support of publishing, it should be noted in the three years 2011-2013 as the funding local broadcaster and local and national radio broadcaster. He pointed out that it was finally made explicit the rules on competition of territorial autonomy to the achievement of fiscal targets, partially outlined by Decree Law No. 78, 2010. In particular, with reference to local authorities, were revised internal rules of the Stability Pact in order to better be able to respond to certain needs expressed by comparison with those organizations. We proceeded on a three-year extension so the basis of calculation in order to eliminate the distortions that emerged based on calculations taking only one year. It was then introduced mitigating the effects of the Covenant for the year 2011 in view of the new restatement of the rules and reconfirmed the exclusions from the Covenant on a number of items that are already provided under existing legislation. Finally, paragraphs 165 to 169 refer to Tables A, B, C, D and E annexed to the draft law of stability, some of which have been amended by the House. The changes made by the branch are as follows: Table A, an increase of € 1.5 million for the three provisions related to the Ministry of Economy and consequent decrease in provisions relativi al Ministero degli esteri; la riduzione di 500 milioni di euro degli accantonamenti relativi al Ministero dell’istruzione in connessione alla integrazione del Fondo di finanziamento ordinario dell’università. Per quanto riguarda la tabella C, vi è stata una serie di modifiche su vari fondi, mentre in tabella E sono state inserite alcune voci, quali il sostegno al Made in Italy, con un finanziamento di 1 milione per il 2011 e di 2 milioni per il 2012 e il Fondo per la promozione di interventi di riduzione e prevenzione della produzione di rifiuti, con un finanziamento di 1 milione per il 2011 e per il 2012. Il comma 170 dispone, infine, in merito alla copertura degli oneri correnti recati dal disegno di legge di stabilità 2011 mentre il paragraph 171 regulates its entry into force.


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