Friday, November 26, 2010

Eyeclopsprojector Computer


Sono stato nominato relatore del disegno di legge di bilancio di previsione per l’anno finanziario 2011 e per il triennio 2011-13.
Una carica che attribuisce nuovamente al Fvg un ruolo di attendibilità politica dopo l’uscita dal Governo del sottosegretario “finiano” Roberto Menia e restituisce al Pdl regionale un ruolo di prima linea nell’operatività del Partito.
La nomina, se da un lato mi consente una funzione di vigilanza, dall’altro non mi dà la possibilità di fornire indicazioni relativamente alla distribuzione delle risorse da ripartire in as the "law of stability" is now reinforced in his body from 171 articles. Of these, nine specific about our region in terms of partnerships, the Stability Pact and its own taxes.
Articles of interest to us direct should be approved as written below by Minister Tremonti and agreed with the President and the Minister for Tondo Savino and go to resolve a large proportion of the regional budget, giving impetus to come to an experimental phase of federalism tax.
With the implementation of the new accounting plan, the budget law will be the instrument that best represents the overall financial effect of decisions made during the year, possible to evaluate allocation decisions reflected in the proposed budget for the next three years. The new instrument replaces the old financial attributes to everyone - Government, Parliament, local governments and other public-strict liability, it follows that the bulk of choices and budget management are entrusted to the government, while Parliament has strict control of expenditure, including through a thorough examination of the accounts. Secondly, this new tool allows the ex ante knowledge of the data of consolidated government, in order to assess whether the balance of public finance, in the aggregate, are compatible with the objectives of the Stability Pact europe.
short, the budget document be returned to the tool by which you authorize the total public spending and to allocate a unit for parliamentary approval of programs, something not allowed by the previous structure of the budget, where expenditure was allocated to administrative cost centers.
The bill budget for 2011 (Bill 2465) is divided into 13 presents the estimates for expenditure and for each entry, 34 missions and 175 programs. The missions that have the greatest structural changes from the previous year are: Italy in Europe and worldwide Sustainable Development and Protection of Natural Resources, Policies for the job. The mission "School Education" is the largest item of expenditure the state budget, with a power consumption of resources amounting to approximately 22 of the total (42 billion). The examination of the composition of the mission of expenditure shows that almost all of the resources allocated in the budget (90 percent) is allocated to the "Compensation of employees." The next mission, in order of importance is that relating to "defense and homeland security." The third is "to allocate funds", which records an amount equal to 7 the total (13.5 billion). These are funds that, for various reasons, will be distributed during the year, and of which you may not know, therefore, intended as a functional ex ante.

Following public-
my report
-l 'illustration of Sen. Tancredi on the law of stability
-l' article on the Fvg


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