Monday, November 8, 2010

Chronic Hairballs In Cats


Finian The convention yesterday in Perugia was an event rather than expected, the direct Rai News allowed all to follow the steps, and between the viewers I was there.
I expected a better shed some light line and less abstract by Finian and probably a bit 'all we were surprised by the position of "government men" who have brought their office into the hands of Fini.
But the complicated political moment in which we live, as well as evolved so far, not read it in a negative. Although reaching out to Berlusconi in a speech Thursday to the National Leadership of the People of Liberty left me hoping for a more 'Council of Fini.
Before setting out my thoughts, I can not but feel bound dall'evidenziare two inconsistencies of the attitude of "future" is rather strange that you ask for the resignation of Berlusconi, elected by the people, while Fini, who was appointed to fill the role of Chairman of the House, has always refused to give their own, and secondly , Finian that the government has a role I should say re put the warrant in the hands of the Head of State who formally appoints them and not of ends.
But we move on to key staff-reading-course of the story. In
not join the wish of government to convene a technical Bersani, Fini finally puts to rest the possibility that his party would approach the center-left, and confirms the identity di centro destra, garantendo pertanto la chiara collocazione politica anche per il futuro.
Contestualmente il leader del Fli ha creato i presupposti per una coalizione modello Ppe che abbraccia anche l’Udc dove ogni singolo partito mantiene le proprie posizioni ma tutti convergono intorno ad un programma unico e condiviso.
Le basi di questo programma potrebbero proprio essere i 5 punti approvati in Parlamento su proposta di Berlusconi, piu’ altri che potrebbe aggiungere lo stesso Fini o Casini.
Se cio’ fosse, si creerebbe una proiezione di governo piu’ ampia che potrebbe concretizzare quel patto di aggregazione auspicato alla nascita del Pdl.
Al di là pertanto delle chiare incongruenze del discorso di Fini, provocations and tone in some passages overly heavy, you can glimpse in the speech of the leader and the Future of Freedom is a positive side on which you could begin to create the future center.


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