Per tutta la settimana sarò occupato a Roma, in Commissione Bilancio. Dovremmo concludere i lavori sui documenti finanziari entro venerdì 3 dicembre; mentre gli emendamenti all'Assemblea dovranno essere presentati entro le ore 12 di sabato 4 dicembre; motivo per cui l'Assemblea non terrà seduta come avviene abitualmente, per lasciare lavorare la Commissione. Il documento approderà in aula lunedì 6 dicembre per la votazione finale.
Ferve l'attesa in Regione come a Roma e come immagino in qualunque ambiente politico per l'intervento del Presidente del Consiglio dei ministri in calendario per lunedì 13 dicembre e per la successiva dichiarazione di voto e votazione delle risoluzioni presentate sulle comunicazioni di Berlusconi.
Il 14 è considerato infatti il D day, da cui si svilupperanno tutti i giochie e gli accordi sino ad oggi solo ipotizzati.
Monday, November 29, 2010
Friday, November 26, 2010
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Sono stato nominato relatore del disegno di legge di bilancio di previsione per l’anno finanziario 2011 e per il triennio 2011-13.
Una carica che attribuisce nuovamente al Fvg un ruolo di attendibilità politica dopo l’uscita dal Governo del sottosegretario “finiano” Roberto Menia e restituisce al Pdl regionale un ruolo di prima linea nell’operatività del Partito.
La nomina, se da un lato mi consente una funzione di vigilanza, dall’altro non mi dà la possibilità di fornire indicazioni relativamente alla distribuzione delle risorse da ripartire in as the "law of stability" is now reinforced in his body from 171 articles. Of these, nine specific about our region in terms of partnerships, the Stability Pact and its own taxes.
Articles of interest to us direct should be approved as written below by Minister Tremonti and agreed with the President and the Minister for Tondo Savino and go to resolve a large proportion of the regional budget, giving impetus to come to an experimental phase of federalism tax.
With the implementation of the new accounting plan, the budget law will be the instrument that best represents the overall financial effect of decisions made during the year, possible to evaluate allocation decisions reflected in the proposed budget for the next three years. The new instrument replaces the old financial attributes to everyone - Government, Parliament, local governments and other public-strict liability, it follows that the bulk of choices and budget management are entrusted to the government, while Parliament has strict control of expenditure, including through a thorough examination of the accounts. Secondly, this new tool allows the ex ante knowledge of the data of consolidated government, in order to assess whether the balance of public finance, in the aggregate, are compatible with the objectives of the Stability Pact europe.
short, the budget document be returned to the tool by which you authorize the total public spending and to allocate a unit for parliamentary approval of programs, something not allowed by the previous structure of the budget, where expenditure was allocated to administrative cost centers.
The bill budget for 2011 (Bill 2465) is divided into 13 presents the estimates for expenditure and for each entry, 34 missions and 175 programs. The missions that have the greatest structural changes from the previous year are: Italy in Europe and worldwide Sustainable Development and Protection of Natural Resources, Policies for the job. The mission "School Education" is the largest item of expenditure the state budget, with a power consumption of resources amounting to approximately 22 of the total (42 billion). The examination of the composition of the mission of expenditure shows that almost all of the resources allocated in the budget (90 percent) is allocated to the "Compensation of employees." The next mission, in order of importance is that relating to "defense and homeland security." The third is "to allocate funds", which records an amount equal to 7 the total (13.5 billion). These are funds that, for various reasons, will be distributed during the year, and of which you may not know, therefore, intended as a functional ex ante.
Following public-
my report
-l 'illustration of Sen. Tancredi on the law of stability
-l' article on the Fvg
Sono stato nominato relatore del disegno di legge di bilancio di previsione per l’anno finanziario 2011 e per il triennio 2011-13.
Una carica che attribuisce nuovamente al Fvg un ruolo di attendibilità politica dopo l’uscita dal Governo del sottosegretario “finiano” Roberto Menia e restituisce al Pdl regionale un ruolo di prima linea nell’operatività del Partito.
La nomina, se da un lato mi consente una funzione di vigilanza, dall’altro non mi dà la possibilità di fornire indicazioni relativamente alla distribuzione delle risorse da ripartire in as the "law of stability" is now reinforced in his body from 171 articles. Of these, nine specific about our region in terms of partnerships, the Stability Pact and its own taxes.
Articles of interest to us direct should be approved as written below by Minister Tremonti and agreed with the President and the Minister for Tondo Savino and go to resolve a large proportion of the regional budget, giving impetus to come to an experimental phase of federalism tax.
With the implementation of the new accounting plan, the budget law will be the instrument that best represents the overall financial effect of decisions made during the year, possible to evaluate allocation decisions reflected in the proposed budget for the next three years. The new instrument replaces the old financial attributes to everyone - Government, Parliament, local governments and other public-strict liability, it follows that the bulk of choices and budget management are entrusted to the government, while Parliament has strict control of expenditure, including through a thorough examination of the accounts. Secondly, this new tool allows the ex ante knowledge of the data of consolidated government, in order to assess whether the balance of public finance, in the aggregate, are compatible with the objectives of the Stability Pact europe.
short, the budget document be returned to the tool by which you authorize the total public spending and to allocate a unit for parliamentary approval of programs, something not allowed by the previous structure of the budget, where expenditure was allocated to administrative cost centers.
The bill budget for 2011 (Bill 2465) is divided into 13 presents the estimates for expenditure and for each entry, 34 missions and 175 programs. The missions that have the greatest structural changes from the previous year are: Italy in Europe and worldwide Sustainable Development and Protection of Natural Resources, Policies for the job. The mission "School Education" is the largest item of expenditure the state budget, with a power consumption of resources amounting to approximately 22 of the total (42 billion). The examination of the composition of the mission of expenditure shows that almost all of the resources allocated in the budget (90 percent) is allocated to the "Compensation of employees." The next mission, in order of importance is that relating to "defense and homeland security." The third is "to allocate funds", which records an amount equal to 7 the total (13.5 billion). These are funds that, for various reasons, will be distributed during the year, and of which you may not know, therefore, intended as a functional ex ante.
Following public-
my report
-l 'illustration of Sen. Tancredi on the law of stability
-l' article on the Fvg
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Senator Lenno (PDL) rapporteur for the budget bill, introduced the bill on securities reported as the reform of the accounting law, which came into force on 1 January 2010, confirms the structure of missions and programs of the state budget experienced since 2008. The draft budget law for 2011 is divided into 13 presents the estimates for expenditure and for each entry, 34 missions and 175 programs. The principles underlying the model of administrative responsibility and checking the results suggest that each program involved only one ministry and that each program can be traced back to a single chief executive officer (looks like the rest required by Article 21, paragraph 2 of Law No 196 of 1009). In the structure of the budget for 2011, are apparent 4-ministerial programs, of which 3 related to the nature of the program, involving all ministries (Funds to be allocated, policy guidance, and general services) and one on military missions Peace, attended by the Defence and Economy. The number of programs which belong more responsibility centers is reduced from the previous year but remains very high, covering an additional 30 programs (In addition to the four inter-ministerial, which by definition belong more responsibility centers). Than that for 2010, the budget for 2011 has 10 programs in more. The missions that have the greatest structural changes are the number 4. Italy in Europe and worldwide, the number 18. Sustainable development and protection of land and the number 26. Policies for the job.
He notes that in addition to the institution - in a mission - to some additional programs (which receive some of the resources allocated to existing programs), the 2011 budget makes also a limited reorganization of programs between missions. Both operations involve a reshaping of resources among missions e tra programmi. L'operazione di istituzione di nuovi programmi nell'ambito di una missione e di riorganizzazione tra missioni rischia di pregiudicare la confrontabilità dei dati di consuntivo tra esercizi. Il disegno di legge in esame opportunamente presenta le previsioni iniziali e assestate del bilancio 2010 (inserite a titolo di confronto del corrispondente stanziamento per il 2011) riorganizzate sulla base della nuova struttura per programmi. È auspicabile, peraltro, che tali raccordi siano resi espliciti in futuro anche per i dati di consuntivo, in assenza dei quali il consuntivo 2011 non sarebbe confrontabile con quelli degli esercizi precedenti. Per tale motivo sarebbe comunque utile presentare il riepilogo (articolato per capitoli) delle modifiche operate the structure of the 2010 budget for the construction of the 2011 budget. The increase in the number of programs may be explained by the intention to align programs and centers of responsibility. You may have to look into this aspect, even acquiring information from the government.
The articulation of missions and programs for the estimates - which was justified in view of administrative costs - is no longer functional after the reclassification that enhances the purpose of the administrative centers instead of spending the grant. In addition, the fragmentation of tasks among different estimates and the absence of a prospectus that aggregates to give the overall meaning della decisione di spesa (presentato invece negli scorsi anni) rappresentano elementi contraddittori rispetto alla direzione della riforma. Qualora, dunque, si dovesse profilare una revisione della legge di contabilità e finanza pubblica – necessaria per armonizzare la disciplina nazionale dopo l’istituzione del semestre europeo – la scelta di articolare il bilancio per stati di previsione, e non soltanto per missione e programmi, potrebbe essere definitivamente ripensata ed abbandonata.
La riforma ha poi introdotto altre importanti innovazioni alla struttura dei documenti di bilancio. L'unità di voto parlamentare viene individuata a livello del programma (e non più del macroaggregato), implicando così una significativa reduction in the number of units to vote. It introduces new definitions of the nature of the expenditure (cost mandatory factor legislative requirements) and the distinction between being reshaped and reshaped. Finally, the enriched information pack attached to the estimates of the ministries.
Another new feature is the prediction that the budget documents are made available in formats developed. This aspect facilitates the expansion of analysis on budget, institutionalizing what has happened in past exercises being done. This is a first application, appreciated for the innovative, albeit subject to further refinements as part of the database provided there are no attachments relating to the compulsory levy exemptions and reductions (in Table 1, estimates of the entrance, available for short routes) and Annexes 1 to the estimates of bill budget (Schedule expenditure authorizations for programs), in which highlights the proposed changes under the new flexible instruments of the budget (Article 23, paragraph 3 of Act No. 196 of 2009). The first note of changes to the budget also is not yet available in formats developed at the time.
The current structure of the budget, together with the expectation of a more streamlined content of the law of stability, prefigures a new role of the instrument, the more significant if one takes into account the margin of flexibility that governments have in the formation of appropriations legislation. With the implementation of the new accounting plan, the budget law will be the instrument that best represents the overall financial effect of decisions made during the year, allowing you to assess allocation decisions reflected in the proposed budget for the next three years. An overview. For 2011, the draft budget law submitted to Parliament 15 October 2010, integrated with the first Note of Change, provides a net borrowing (SNF) at minus 40 billion, an improvement about 15 billion compared to SNF budget adjustments for 2010. The evolution from the previous year resulting from the revenue side, revenue extratributarie by an increase of almost 3 billion (+8.9 percentage points) and a moderate recovery of growth in tax revenue, amounting to 1 percentage point. On the expenditure side, the improvement is due to a contraction of the final costs of 3 percent, due to a reduction of current expenditure and capital that more than offset the growth of 6 percentage points in interest costs. In the period 2012-2013, the SNF is approximately -22 and -13.9 billion euro respectively. It 'worth noting that the SNF under existing legislation for 2013 is expected remaining at 4.6 billion, but due to the effects of the First Note Modification you have a worsening of the balance of 9.3 billion. In the period 2012-2013, tax revenues show an increase of 5.5 percent and 4.3 percent respectively. Revenue extratributarie shows a discontinuous trend, decreasing by 6.8 percentage points in 2012 (reflecting the loss of one-off revenues associated with the sale of digital terrestrial frequencies) but increased by 3.3 percentage points in 2013. As to the development of the main items of expenditure, the interest shown sustained growth since 2012, with an average annual growth rate above 5 percent. The current expenditure net of interest, Instead, it has a downward pattern for the biennium 2011-2012 (-4.3 and -0.5 percent respectively) and ascending to 2013 (1.1 percent). The capital expenditure shows a similar trend, decreasing in the period 2011-2012 of 7.8 and 11.1 percentage points, respectively, to return later to grow in 2013 to 18.9 percent. A look at the cost functional. One issue addressed in the budget debate last year was to reconstruct how much of the expenditure decision is actually made annually with the budget and how much the budget is formally adopted, even if corresponding to transfers or debt service, and then still fixed so as exogenous. The exercise is particularly utile per verificare quanta parte delle politiche pubbliche corrisponda effettivamente ad una scelta allocativa (almeno nel breve periodo) proposta dal Governo e approvata dal Parlamento e tenuto conto che in un sistema istituzionale multilivello larga parte delle decisioni di spesa sono rimesse alle autonomie territoriali. D’altro canto, già lo scorso anno si era rilevato come la percentuale di spesa di ogni missione sul totale del bilancio fornisse una rappresentazione poco fedele della "decisione di spesa" operata dal bilancio, posto che la missione più rilevante è quella del debito pubblico che certamente non può essere liberamente modulata dal Governo o dal Parlamento ma è da considerarsi esogena. Quest’anno, il Servizio del bilancio ha svolto un’analisi più puntuale delle voci della spesa primaria ossia di quella spesa che emerge in seguito alla esclusione dal totale della spesa delle voci di finanziamento di altre amministrazioni pubbliche. Ciò consente di valutare la struttura allocativa del bilancio dello Stato con riferimento alle funzioni di competenza più strettamente centrale, realizzate a livello di amministrazioni centrali, escludendo quindi i trasferimenti destinati a finanziare l'attività ordinaria delle altre amministrazioni. Si rinvia alla documentazione del Servizio del bilancio la descrizione della metodologia seguita e delle motivazioni ad essa sottesa. I risultati di questa analisi fanno tuttavia emergere che la missione "Istruzione scolastica" rappresenta la voce the major costs of the state budget, with a power consumption of resources amounting to approximately 22 of the total (42 billion). The examination of the composition of the mission of expenditure shows that almost all of the resources allocated in the budget (90 percent) is allocated to the "Compensation of employees." The next mission, in order of importance is that relating to "defense and homeland security." The first is in the Budget 2011 for a sum equal to 10 percent of the total (19.3 billion). For this item of expenditure, the composition shows that the "Compensation of employees" represent a very large share (equal to 77 per cent). The third is "Funds to be distributed" recording an amount equal to 7 the total (13.5 billion). These are funds that, for various reasons, will be distributed during the year, and of which you may not know, therefore, intended as a functional ex ante. The presence of a mission funds to be distributed, containing a significant amount of money to be distributed during the year would seem to weaken the ability to understand the planned allocation of resources, not allowing full assessment of the priorities reflected in the document before Parliament . This feature would require closer monitoring of the budget and to verify adherence to the management of public priorities indicated in the budget adopted by the legislature.
In conclusione, si può affermare che le recenti innovazioni legislative introdotte con la riforma della contabilità e finanza pubblica hanno mostrato un significativo miglioramento del bilancio, inteso come strumento per il controllo e la decisione di spesa. Parte significativa di tale miglioramento è dovuta anche alla previsione che i documenti di bilancio siano messi a disposizione in formato elaborabile. Anche in assenza di tale previsione, il Servizio del bilancio del Senato era riuscito ad effettuare elaborazioni sui programmi e sulle missioni, tuttavia la disponibilità di dati elaborabili migliora l’efficienza del lavoro e amplia le possibilità di analisi.
A fronte di tali novità che supportano l’attività Parliamentary there is still a significant delay in the revision of the Rules of Procedure. The review by the commission on the budget still suffers from a more administrative than functional. The powers of the Boards of these matters is still drawn on estimates rather than functions. The timing of examination fees in the budget are too tight on when is the forum where we discuss public policy for the sector. Given the high public spending and the shared need to use resources more efficiently, the Boards should spend more time on budget. The parliamentary procedure of examination of budget documents is lagging behind the direction of reform and the rehabilitation requirements of the expenditure and the fact that - as evidenced by the numbers-the budget is the means by which you take the greater part of the decision to charge during the year.
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Senator Tancredi (PDL), draftsman of the Bill of stability, introduced the bill on securities reported as the Senate is for the first time to assess the bill of stability in lieu of draft budget law, in light of the new accounting law. Despite the beginning of his process to the Lower House contains few provisions, the text in question, in the course of another branch of the Parliament have increased significantly the number of rules due to the choice by the Government to include interventions considered to be of significant interest, even going beyond the limits of content the law of its stability, but justified by the need to address the current situation of economic and financial crisis. The text approved by the Chamber of Deputies, as it also marked by measures designed to develop the economy, still has a broader than expected from the new accounting law and public finance. In a nutshell, states that the main measures of the bill of stability are represented by support to economic growth, protection of certain categories most exposed to economic crisis and the provisions relating to the internal stability pact.
notes that the deficit / GDP ratio as a whole for the entire European Union rose to 6.8 percent from the 2.3 percent in 2009. Regarding the debt, the Eurozone shows an increase to 79.2 percent from 69.8 percent the previous year and an enlarged Europe to 74 percent from 61.8 percent the previous year. Among the countries showing the largest deficit / GDP ratio, apart from Ireland, characterized, as is known, from a very specific situation, there is obviously Greece with 15.4 percent, followed by the United Kingdom 11 , 4 percent, Spain 11, 1 per cent and Portugal at 9.3 percent. Italy is not among the countries with the worst situation, with a deficit / GDP ratio confirmed at 5.3 per cent, against 7.5 percent in France, but the debt is confirmed among the highest in Europe, at 116 percent, just behind Greece, which sees increased the debt to 126.8 percent.
In this framework, with reference to net borrowing requirement and the net changes in spending and revenues tend to cancel and have a negligible impact on the balances in current legislation, which - as everyone knows - incorporating measures of the Decree- Law 78, 2010. The net movement, ie the net size of the correction of outstanding balances, the sum of higher net revenues and lower net expenses for 2011 lead to the improvement of the balance of 0.9 million, 1.6 million in 2012 and 0.4 million in 2013. With regard to the net borrowing requirement of the state budget, reports that the financial effects of the measure under consideration involve a worsening equal to 824 million in 2011, 2.8 billion in 2012 and 9.5 billion in 2013. The difference in overall impact than the other balances due to the fact that the refinancing of the Revolving Fund for Community policies, EUR 5.5 billion in 2013, is the reshaping of the Fund under-utilized areas, amounting to 1,000 million in 2011 to 3 billion in 2012 and four billion in 2013, with a consequent reduction of 8,000 million in 2014 and later, are all assessed as having no effect in terms of equity and debt needs. Moving on to examine the articles, the device bears in Article 1, paragraph 1, the usual setting the maximum level of net borrowing for the year 2011, net debt adjustments, to 41.9 billion euro and the level maximum use of the market for the same period of € 268 billion. Among the measures that characterize the stability of the bill for 2011 will report the first integration of 800 million euro for 2011 and € 500 million from the year 2012 of the Ordinary Fund University . In addition, it established a credit tax, the spending limit of € 100 million for 2011, for firms that rely on research and development at universities or public research institutions. Again, always in the university sector, we report the integration of 100 million euro fund to take action to supplement to be distributed among regions for the cost of lending and disbursement of scholarships. For the first half of 2011 was provided for the refinancing of the Fund for international peacekeeping missions amounting to EUR 750 million. In terms of labor and worker protection was provided for the year 2011 increase in funding from the Social Fund for Employment and Training, in order to continue in the provision del trattamento di cassa integrazione e guadagni, di mobilità e di disoccupazione speciale. A tale proposito si rammenta l'introduzione della facoltà di prolungare l'intervento di tutela del reddito per il periodo di tempo necessario al raggiungimento della decorrenza del trattamento pensionistico, nei limiti del Fondo sociale per l'occupazione e la formazione, nonché la previsione volta a consentire l'applicazione, nel limite di 10 mila unità, della normativa previgente in materia di decorrenza dei trattamenti pensionistici per una serie di lavoratori che maturino i requisiti per l'accesso al pensionamento a decorrere dal 1° gennaio 2011. Inoltre, una particolare attenzione è stata rivolta ai giovani lavoratori destinando 100 milioni di € to training during the apprenticeship. Again indicates the extension for 2011 tax relief scheme contracts and productivity in particular the income received as a result of increased productivity and overtime. This measure will lead to charges for 835 million in 2011 and € 263 million in 2012. It was then extended by the so-called ecobonus by 55 percent for the redevelopment of buildings and homes. The facility will be used until 31 December 2011 and diluted in 10 years. Were then provided a series of interventions in favor of non-state schools, benevolence of school textbooks, the extension of 5 per thousand, support to the publishing sector and state universities are not legally recognized, the continuation of employment of workers socially useful. A set of measures that resources have been allocated for about 800 million euro. In the agricultural sector also points out the actions in favor of small rural properties and redetermination of contribution relief for agricultural employers in disadvantaged areas, facilities that are made permanent.
In the health sector is integrated into the national health service funding to € 348 million, as a proportion of the total amount of € 834 million to be disbursed for the year 2011. Under the pact on health were then introduced a series of measures in respect of health regions in deficit. As part of the information, in addition to the support of publishing, it should be noted in the three years 2011-2013 as the funding local broadcaster and local and national radio broadcaster. He pointed out that it was finally made explicit the rules on competition of territorial autonomy to the achievement of fiscal targets, partially outlined by Decree Law No. 78, 2010. In particular, with reference to local authorities, were revised internal rules of the Stability Pact in order to better be able to respond to certain needs expressed by comparison with those organizations. We proceeded on a three-year extension so the basis of calculation in order to eliminate the distortions that emerged based on calculations taking only one year. It was then introduced mitigating the effects of the Covenant for the year 2011 in view of the new restatement of the rules and reconfirmed the exclusions from the Covenant on a number of items that are already provided under existing legislation. Finally, paragraphs 165 to 169 refer to Tables A, B, C, D and E annexed to the draft law of stability, some of which have been amended by the House. The changes made by the branch are as follows: Table A, an increase of € 1.5 million for the three provisions related to the Ministry of Economy and consequent decrease in provisions relativi al Ministero degli esteri; la riduzione di 500 milioni di euro degli accantonamenti relativi al Ministero dell’istruzione in connessione alla integrazione del Fondo di finanziamento ordinario dell’università. Per quanto riguarda la tabella C, vi è stata una serie di modifiche su vari fondi, mentre in tabella E sono state inserite alcune voci, quali il sostegno al Made in Italy, con un finanziamento di 1 milione per il 2011 e di 2 milioni per il 2012 e il Fondo per la promozione di interventi di riduzione e prevenzione della produzione di rifiuti, con un finanziamento di 1 milione per il 2011 e per il 2012. Il comma 170 dispone, infine, in merito alla copertura degli oneri correnti recati dal disegno di legge di stabilità 2011 mentre il paragraph 171 regulates its entry into force.
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Here is the article of the stability law 'on the FVG
151. The State recognizes the autonomous region Friuli Venezia Giulia on a partnership withholding tax on retirement income provided for in Article 49, paragraph 2, letter a) of the Consolidated Income Tax Code, by Decree of the President December 22, 1986 No 917, as amended, as follows:
a) for the years 2008 and 2009 in the total of 960 million euro, net of amounts already allocated to the region for the same purpose, amounting to EUR 50 million, are transferred at a rate of € 220 million in 2011, € 170 million in 2012, € 120 million in 2013, 70 million euro in 2014, 20 million euro in 2015, 30 million € in 2016 and 20 million euro per year subsequent year until 2030;
b) with effect from the annual 2010, to the extent provided for in Article 49, first paragraph, number 1) of the Statute of the Special Region of Friuli Venezia Giulia, as the constitutional law January 31, 1963, No 1, as amended, under the conditions of transfer set out in Article 1 of Legislative Decree 31 July 2007, No 137.
152. In compliance with the principles set out in law May 5, 2009, No 42, decorrere dall’anno 2011, la regione autonoma Friuli Venezia Giulia contribuisce all’attuazione del federalismo fiscale, nella misura di 370 milioni di euro annui, mediante:
a) il pagamento di una somma in favore dello Stato;
b) ovvero la rinuncia alle assegnazioni statali derivanti dalle leggi di settore, individuate nell’ambito del tavolo di confronto di cui all’articolo 27, comma 7, della citata legge n. 42 del 2009;
c) ovvero l’attribuzione di funzioni amministrative attualmente esercitate dallo Stato, individuate mediante accordo tra il Governo e la regione, con oneri a carico della regione. Con le modalità previste dagli articoli 10 e 65 dello Statuto speciale della Friuli Venezia Giulia, as the constitutional law January 31, 1963, No 1, the region and define the functions to be allocated.
153. The payment referred to in subparagraph a) of Section 152, net of the debt claimed by the Autonomous Region Friuli Venezia Giulia to the State under subsection 151, letter a) shall be determined in 150 million euro in 2011, 200 million euro in 2012, € 250 million in 2013 to 300 million euro in 2014, € 350 million in 2015 to EUR 340 million in 2016 to 350 million euro per year from 2017 to 2030 and in 370 million euro per year from 2031. The agreements referred to in subparagraphs b) and c) of Section 152 establish the extent to which the payment referred the letter a) of that paragraph falls at the taking of alternative arrangements for funding provided by the same b) and c).
154. The autonomous region Friuli Venezia Giulia, local authorities of the territory, its institutions and organizations instrumental, healthcare companies and other entities and bodies whose operation is financed from the same region in the ordinary way and are prevalent in their entirety "the regional system integrated. " The objectives of the overall budget balances agreed between the State and the region are carried out through the integrated regional system. The region is liable to the state's failure to meet targets set out in the previous period. The provisions of this subparagraph shall apply after the adoption of the consolidated financial statements under the provisions governing the harmonization of budgets.
155. From the financial year 2011, the annual agreement on the internal stability pact of the autonomous region Friuli Venezia Giulia is built considering all the final costs, net of credit allocation, as assessed with reference to the corresponding expenses considered in ' agreement for the previous year. The goal is determined by taking into account separately Circulation trend of regional health expenditure, in line with the national one. In implementation di quanto previsto dall’articolo 17, comma 1, lettera c), della legge 5 maggio 2009, n. 42, in merito agli obiettivi sui saldi di finanza pubblica, spetta alla regione individuare, con riferimento agli enti locali costituenti il sistema regionale integrato, gli obiettivi per ciascun ente e le modalità necessarie al raggiungimento degli obiettivi complessivi di volta in volta concordati con lo Stato per il periodo di riferimento, compreso il sistema sanzionatorio. Qualora la regione non provveda ad individuare le predette modalità entro il 31 maggio, si applicano le disposizioni previste a livello nazionale. Salvo quanto previsto dal periodo precedente, le disposizioni statali relative al patto di stabilità interno non trovano applicazione con riferimento agli enti locali costituenti il sistema regionale integrato. La regione trasmette al Ministero dell’economia e delle finanze – Dipartimento della Ragioneria generale dello Stato, relativamente a ciascun ente locale, gli elementi informativi riguardanti le risultanze, espresse in termini di competenza mista, occorrenti per la verifica del mantenimento dell’equilibrio dei saldi di finanza pubblica.
156. La regione autonoma Friuli Venezia Giulia garantisce un effetto positivo sull’indebitamento netto, ulteriore rispetto a quello previsto dalla legislazione vigente, ivi comprese le disposizioni introdotte dal decreto-legge 31 maggio 2010, n. 78, convertito, con modificazioni, dalla legge 30 luglio 2010, n. 122, di 150 milioni di euro nel 2011, di 200 milioni di euro nel 2012, di 250 milioni di euro nel 2013, di 300 milioni di euro nel 2014, di 350 milioni di euro nel 2015, di 340 milioni di euro nel 2016, di 350 milioni di euro annui dal 2017 al 2030 e di 370 milioni di euro annui a decorrere dal 2031. Ai fini della determinazione dell’accordo relativo al patto di stabilità interno, al conferimento delle funzioni di cui al comma 152, lettera c), la capacità di spesa della regione aumenta in misura corrispondente agli oneri assunti dalla regione limitatamente al primo anno di esercizio della funzione. In occasione della verifica del rispetto degli obiettivi del patto di stabilità interno, la regione dimostra l’esatto adempimento degli obblighi assunti.
157. From the date of entry into force of this law, the special statute of the region Friuli Venezia Giulia, as the constitutional law January 31, 1963, No 1, as amended, shall be amended as follows:
a) Article 51 after the first paragraph shall be inserted the following:
"The revenue related to its own taxes and revenue taxes on partnerships and additional state laws that confer local authorities responsible to the Region with reference to local authorities within its territory, subject to budget neutrality for the state budget.
If the state law gives local authorities the regulation of taxes or partnerships in the second paragraph, it is for the region to identify the criteria, methods and limits the scope of that discipline in its own territory.
In compliance with the EU rules on state aid, the Region may:
a) with respect to the central government taxes for which the State providing for the possibility to change the rates, down, beyond the limits currently envisaged and, increasing, within the maximum level of charges established by state legislation, provide for exemptions from payment, enter the tax deductions and deductions from the tax base
b) in their own matters, establishment of new local taxes and, with respect to the same, allow local authorities to change the rates, a decrease or an increase beyond the set limits, provide for exemptions from payment, enter the tax deductions and deductions from the tax base and provide, also at variance with state legislation, methods of collection;
b) Article 53, fourth paragraph is added at the end the following sentence: "The above arrangements shall define the necessary guidelines and strategic objectives relating to the activity that the tax assessment in the Region, which took place through result of working agreements with the tax agencies. "
158. The provisions given in paragraph 157 are approved in accordance with the effects dell’articolo 63, quinto comma, dello Statuto speciale della regione Friuli Venezia Giulia, di cui alla legge costituzionale 31 gennaio 1963, n. 1, e successive modificazioni.
159. Qualora con i decreti legislativi di attuazione della legge 5 maggio 2009, n. 42, siano istituite sul territorio nazionale nuove forme di imposizione, in sostituzione totale o parziale di tributi vigenti, con le procedure previste dall’articolo 27 della medesima legge n. 42 del 2009, è rivisto l’ordinamento finanziario della regione autonoma Friuli Venezia Giulia al fine di assicurare la neutralità finanziaria dei predetti decreti nei confronti dei vari livelli di governo.
Monday, November 22, 2010
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Parte dal percorso didattico l'iniziativa "Repubblica della Carnia. Radici della libertà e della democrazia", promossa e organizzata dall'Università di Udine e
dalla Regione con il sostegno e la collaborazione di diversi
altri enti, istituzioni e aziende. Oggi, nella scuola media della Val Tagliamento ad Ampezzo, che da quest'anno raggruppa i ragazzi del territorio in un unico plesso
scolastico, il progetto didattico-laboratoriale dell'iniziativa è stato presentato ad allievi e docenti, accanto ai quali erano presenti molti rappresentanti delle istituzioni ed alcuni di coloro che nel 1944 furono protagonisti di quell'epica pagina di storia, breve nella durata, ma densa di valori e principi che avremmo ritrovato dopo la guerra nella Costituzione della Repubblica Italiana.
Parte dal percorso didattico l'iniziativa "Repubblica della Carnia. Radici della libertà e della democrazia", promossa e organizzata dall'Università di Udine e
dalla Regione con il sostegno e la collaborazione di diversi
altri enti, istituzioni e aziende. Oggi, nella scuola media della Val Tagliamento ad Ampezzo, che da quest'anno raggruppa i ragazzi del territorio in un unico plesso
scolastico, il progetto didattico-laboratoriale dell'iniziativa è stato presentato ad allievi e docenti, accanto ai quali erano presenti molti rappresentanti delle istituzioni ed alcuni di coloro che nel 1944 furono protagonisti di quell'epica pagina di storia, breve nella durata, ma densa di valori e principi che avremmo ritrovato dopo la guerra nella Costituzione della Repubblica Italiana.
Cramping 11 Days Before Period
The intention of the Minister Mara Carfagna (the last Parliament was sitting beside me in the House) to step down and leave the PDL government lifts an important issue in building the future of the People of Freedom .
I hope that the meeting with Berlusconi can ensure that everyone within the PDL, can contribute to reassemble a difficult political situation and restore stability to a great party.
The intention of the Minister Mara Carfagna (the last Parliament was sitting beside me in the House) to step down and leave the PDL government lifts an important issue in building the future of the People of Freedom .
I hope that the meeting with Berlusconi can ensure that everyone within the PDL, can contribute to reassemble a difficult political situation and restore stability to a great party.
Friday, November 19, 2010
Online Combination Lock
Thursday, November 18, 2010
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At this point I think there is no alternative to elections. Although I look forward with cautious optimism next December 14 when the House and Senate will vote on the confidence in the Government.
Frankly, I have always wished that things were otherwise and that after the split there would be reconciliation, in light of the five points proposed by Berlusconi and voted on by Fli. Fini
Now that he dumped her by the Government and will not guarantee more 'support the work of the executive do not think there could be other mediations. But Fini
remains tied to its institutional position ... something does not come back!
The Government will nevertheless continue to work even if slowed down the times and in unexpected ways by political difficulties. Today approved a bill for the waste emergency in Campania.
At this point I think there is no alternative to elections. Although I look forward with cautious optimism next December 14 when the House and Senate will vote on the confidence in the Government.
Frankly, I have always wished that things were otherwise and that after the split there would be reconciliation, in light of the five points proposed by Berlusconi and voted on by Fli. Fini
Now that he dumped her by the Government and will not guarantee more 'support the work of the executive do not think there could be other mediations. But Fini
remains tied to its institutional position ... something does not come back!
The Government will nevertheless continue to work even if slowed down the times and in unexpected ways by political difficulties. Today approved a bill for the waste emergency in Campania.
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
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The bill of financial stability and the state budget have come before the House yesterday of the House, the amendments should be voted already today are a total of 442.
The government aims to vote for measures on public finances by Friday and probably will go well. The opposition, in fact, have stated their request the availability to pass the law on public accounts to Parliament by November. So it could vanish the hypothesis that the executive may request a vote of confidence on the bill and the fiscal stability of both the House and Senate both!
Monday, November 15, 2010
Subaru Roof Rack Adjustment
Incognita Fli
Fortunately vote the way you close the financial year, moreover, very difficult financially for the resignation but, if confirmed, the finiaini that should be done today, I think inevitably lead to elections.
remains of the unknown location of Fli policy, to date there have been given to understand the conditions.
We'll see, here in Rome is a continuous flow of negotiations and possible scenarios.
Fortunately vote the way you close the financial year, moreover, very difficult financially for the resignation but, if confirmed, the finiaini that should be done today, I think inevitably lead to elections.
remains of the unknown location of Fli policy, to date there have been given to understand the conditions.
We'll see, here in Rome is a continuous flow of negotiations and possible scenarios.
Friday, November 12, 2010
What Causes The Arctic Air To Dip South
It really falls into the ridiculous. The political moment is rather complicated and therefore any excuse can 'be used against the government, but also assume the resignation of the Minister Bondi to the collapse of the House of Pompei Gladiator incredible. That responsibility can be attributed to the Minister? And yet, at this time of economic difficulty with companies with great difficulty trying to overcome the current crisis, some forced to close, floods and so I agree with the Award of assigning priorities for action to other situations.
This is not to totally discredit the historical, cultural and architectural heritage archeologico italiano, sono per altro un architetto molto attento ai nostri beni e alla valorizzazione della storicità in termini di conservazione e di riflessi turistici, ma arrivare a chiedere le dimissioni di Bondi attraverso una petizione, mi sembra troppo.
Ieri il Ministro per i beni e le attività culturali ha reso al Senato un'informativa sul crollo a Pompei, inquadrando anzitutto la vicenda in uno scenario politico attraversato da richieste di dimissioni e attribuzioni di responsabilità a suo avviso ingiuste e strumentali.
Il Ministro, nel rilevare che avrebbe di sua iniziativa rassegnato le dimissioni in presenza di sue effettive e dirette responsabilità, ha ricordato come l'area archeologica di Pompei e l'intero patrimonio artistico Italian present serious problems for decades for the solution of which nobody has so far managed to set an appropriate strategy. Bondi Minister has claimed responsibility for the effectiveness of ministerial then the OFT, whose own testimony is the archaeological site of Pompeii, until two years ago debilitating effects of an unacceptable state of decay. Although it can not exclude the danger of further collapse, must be acknowledged the good work done by the Commissioner appointed to tackle the emergency, who also worked in close connection and in total harmony with the superintendents.
The collapse of the House of the gladiators is not due to lack of funds but lack of a management able to make better use of existing resources, il che nulla toglie allo straordinario lavoro di salvaguardia, conservazione e tutela del patrimonio storico-artistico e del paesaggio svolto dai sovrintendenti. Al fine di individuare nuove figure professionali e nuove forme di gestione, l'ufficio legislativo del Ministero sta predisponendo le linee operative per la definizione degli atti costitutivi e statutari di una fondazione per la gestione di Pompei; inoltre, un gruppo di lavoro, coordinato dal professor Carandini, presidente del Consiglio nazionale dei beni culturali, valuterà lo stato di degrado ed il livello di rischio di tutti gli edifici dell'area archeologica di Pompei e, anche attraverso il ricorso alle più moderne tecnologie, proseguirà l'opera di studio e di catalogazione di tutti gli buildings. Bondi Minister concluded by recognizing the existence of a more general and age-old problem of limited resources that the state invests in Italian culture.
It really falls into the ridiculous. The political moment is rather complicated and therefore any excuse can 'be used against the government, but also assume the resignation of the Minister Bondi to the collapse of the House of Pompei Gladiator incredible. That responsibility can be attributed to the Minister? And yet, at this time of economic difficulty with companies with great difficulty trying to overcome the current crisis, some forced to close, floods and so I agree with the Award of assigning priorities for action to other situations.
This is not to totally discredit the historical, cultural and architectural heritage archeologico italiano, sono per altro un architetto molto attento ai nostri beni e alla valorizzazione della storicità in termini di conservazione e di riflessi turistici, ma arrivare a chiedere le dimissioni di Bondi attraverso una petizione, mi sembra troppo.
Ieri il Ministro per i beni e le attività culturali ha reso al Senato un'informativa sul crollo a Pompei, inquadrando anzitutto la vicenda in uno scenario politico attraversato da richieste di dimissioni e attribuzioni di responsabilità a suo avviso ingiuste e strumentali.
Il Ministro, nel rilevare che avrebbe di sua iniziativa rassegnato le dimissioni in presenza di sue effettive e dirette responsabilità, ha ricordato come l'area archeologica di Pompei e l'intero patrimonio artistico Italian present serious problems for decades for the solution of which nobody has so far managed to set an appropriate strategy. Bondi Minister has claimed responsibility for the effectiveness of ministerial then the OFT, whose own testimony is the archaeological site of Pompeii, until two years ago debilitating effects of an unacceptable state of decay. Although it can not exclude the danger of further collapse, must be acknowledged the good work done by the Commissioner appointed to tackle the emergency, who also worked in close connection and in total harmony with the superintendents.
The collapse of the House of the gladiators is not due to lack of funds but lack of a management able to make better use of existing resources, il che nulla toglie allo straordinario lavoro di salvaguardia, conservazione e tutela del patrimonio storico-artistico e del paesaggio svolto dai sovrintendenti. Al fine di individuare nuove figure professionali e nuove forme di gestione, l'ufficio legislativo del Ministero sta predisponendo le linee operative per la definizione degli atti costitutivi e statutari di una fondazione per la gestione di Pompei; inoltre, un gruppo di lavoro, coordinato dal professor Carandini, presidente del Consiglio nazionale dei beni culturali, valuterà lo stato di degrado ed il livello di rischio di tutti gli edifici dell'area archeologica di Pompei e, anche attraverso il ricorso alle più moderne tecnologie, proseguirà l'opera di studio e di catalogazione di tutti gli buildings. Bondi Minister concluded by recognizing the existence of a more general and age-old problem of limited resources that the state invests in Italian culture.
Thursday, November 11, 2010
When Do You Stop Using Baby Detergent
CONCORD abolition of runoff
continuing at the regional level, discussions and formal meetings to review the proposal to amend the electoral law in force in FVG.
I share the view expressed by the Board of the PDL group even though I believe that the tangible content of expenditure can not be resolved by reducing the number of provincial councilors.
In line with the choices expressed by my party affiliation, I support the claim vigorously to abolish the ballot for the Provinces and municipalities over 15 000 inhabitants, considering that the single shift requires clarity in the arrangements right now.
Avoid extended another 15 days of the election-as well as allowing a saving of election expenses to be paid by citizens-can prevent secret agreements between the candidates and coalitions that have failed to pass the first round, which often create situations weakness in the majority and lead to internal conflicts in the course of the legislature.
I am therefore in favor of clarity and some games from the outset.
continuing at the regional level, discussions and formal meetings to review the proposal to amend the electoral law in force in FVG.
I share the view expressed by the Board of the PDL group even though I believe that the tangible content of expenditure can not be resolved by reducing the number of provincial councilors.
In line with the choices expressed by my party affiliation, I support the claim vigorously to abolish the ballot for the Provinces and municipalities over 15 000 inhabitants, considering that the single shift requires clarity in the arrangements right now.
Avoid extended another 15 days of the election-as well as allowing a saving of election expenses to be paid by citizens-can prevent secret agreements between the candidates and coalitions that have failed to pass the first round, which often create situations weakness in the majority and lead to internal conflicts in the course of the legislature.
I am therefore in favor of clarity and some games from the outset.
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Maxillary Retention Cyst Or Polyp
The national political situation and is constantly evolving. Here in Rome we live
excited moments, but now I think that we came to the showdown. According to me right now facing a few solutions: either can Bossi, tomorrow, in an attempt to mend the breach with Fini or, alternatively, you can not avoid early elections.
I hope, of course, that Bossi succeed in the role of mediator which would lead to the establishment of a Berlusconi-a, or a government that has expanded and UDC as a starting point the famous five points already adopted by most other proposed Fli and UDC. In reality, nothing of what 'that Berlusconi himself had advocated in his speech at the National Leadership. This scheme would, in my opinion, a more robust attitude to the majority.
Otherwise, if the intervention Bossi did not prove profitable, you must go to elections, but the passage of crisis, it will certainly be immediate and easy-rightly so-pretend that Berlusconi has voted its confidence, as an act of responsibility towards the citizens of Fli.
But at that point where the new government will be in the Fli? In Perugia Fini reiterated its position vigorously in the center right. So take that position if Berlusconi were to be re-elected by the voters??
With the current electoral law, you run the risk of setting a new majority that lacks stability and run into incidents such as those we are currently experiencing, in a moment to another and these purposes should realize, that the difficult economic priorities for the citizens are very different.
The national political situation and is constantly evolving. Here in Rome we live
excited moments, but now I think that we came to the showdown. According to me right now facing a few solutions: either can Bossi, tomorrow, in an attempt to mend the breach with Fini or, alternatively, you can not avoid early elections.
I hope, of course, that Bossi succeed in the role of mediator which would lead to the establishment of a Berlusconi-a, or a government that has expanded and UDC as a starting point the famous five points already adopted by most other proposed Fli and UDC. In reality, nothing of what 'that Berlusconi himself had advocated in his speech at the National Leadership. This scheme would, in my opinion, a more robust attitude to the majority.
Otherwise, if the intervention Bossi did not prove profitable, you must go to elections, but the passage of crisis, it will certainly be immediate and easy-rightly so-pretend that Berlusconi has voted its confidence, as an act of responsibility towards the citizens of Fli.
But at that point where the new government will be in the Fli? In Perugia Fini reiterated its position vigorously in the center right. So take that position if Berlusconi were to be re-elected by the voters??
With the current electoral law, you run the risk of setting a new majority that lacks stability and run into incidents such as those we are currently experiencing, in a moment to another and these purposes should realize, that the difficult economic priorities for the citizens are very different.
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Double Din In A Din And A Half?
Last night I attended the "Question Time" organized by the PDL region. At the headquarters of Ledra street, in Udine, as well as some advisers were also regional administrators, elected officials and supporters involved, specifically, to know the guidelines on health that have been illustrated by the Leader of the Regional Council, Daniele Galasso.
the undersigned have been asked more questions instead of 'general policy that caliber had substantially exposed in the blog yesterday in reference to the relationship Fini Berlusconi, and then on my vision of a future collaboration between PDL and Fli.
Among other questions, I requested a thorough analysis of the change in the attitude of Fini, co-founder of the PDL at his opponent. Answer is not simple because I believe that the evolution of the leader of Fli is also dictated by the components which are outside the political sphere and that I did not know details. Otherwise, as I think I could understand the difficulties of dialogue between the two leaders were born when Fini agreed to serve as the third position in the State and he felt excluded from the same party, a party that presumably have a vision fully shared by him and on which he could not more 'ad radically affect.
The static produced by the institutional role assumed as President of the Chamber has probably caused an evolution in his character and a political maturity that stifled as party leader as he has in fact always wanted to prove that, beyond the role institutional.
And when changes occur in a leader or changes it goes without saying that occur upon the faithful and the impact on people in general.
But this is just my opinion, in response to what I was asked yesterday.
Last night I attended the "Question Time" organized by the PDL region. At the headquarters of Ledra street, in Udine, as well as some advisers were also regional administrators, elected officials and supporters involved, specifically, to know the guidelines on health that have been illustrated by the Leader of the Regional Council, Daniele Galasso.
the undersigned have been asked more questions instead of 'general policy that caliber had substantially exposed in the blog yesterday in reference to the relationship Fini Berlusconi, and then on my vision of a future collaboration between PDL and Fli.
Among other questions, I requested a thorough analysis of the change in the attitude of Fini, co-founder of the PDL at his opponent. Answer is not simple because I believe that the evolution of the leader of Fli is also dictated by the components which are outside the political sphere and that I did not know details. Otherwise, as I think I could understand the difficulties of dialogue between the two leaders were born when Fini agreed to serve as the third position in the State and he felt excluded from the same party, a party that presumably have a vision fully shared by him and on which he could not more 'ad radically affect.
The static produced by the institutional role assumed as President of the Chamber has probably caused an evolution in his character and a political maturity that stifled as party leader as he has in fact always wanted to prove that, beyond the role institutional.
And when changes occur in a leader or changes it goes without saying that occur upon the faithful and the impact on people in general.
But this is just my opinion, in response to what I was asked yesterday.
Monday, November 8, 2010
Chronic Hairballs In Cats
Finian The convention yesterday in Perugia was an event rather than expected, the direct Rai News allowed all to follow the steps, and between the viewers I was there.
I expected a better shed some light line and less abstract by Finian and probably a bit 'all we were surprised by the position of "government men" who have brought their office into the hands of Fini.
But the complicated political moment in which we live, as well as evolved so far, not read it in a negative. Although reaching out to Berlusconi in a speech Thursday to the National Leadership of the People of Liberty left me hoping for a more 'Council of Fini.
Before setting out my thoughts, I can not but feel bound dall'evidenziare two inconsistencies of the attitude of "future" is rather strange that you ask for the resignation of Berlusconi, elected by the people, while Fini, who was appointed to fill the role of Chairman of the House, has always refused to give their own, and secondly , Finian that the government has a role I should say re put the warrant in the hands of the Head of State who formally appoints them and not of ends.
But we move on to key staff-reading-course of the story. In
not join the wish of government to convene a technical Bersani, Fini finally puts to rest the possibility that his party would approach the center-left, and confirms the identity di centro destra, garantendo pertanto la chiara collocazione politica anche per il futuro.
Contestualmente il leader del Fli ha creato i presupposti per una coalizione modello Ppe che abbraccia anche l’Udc dove ogni singolo partito mantiene le proprie posizioni ma tutti convergono intorno ad un programma unico e condiviso.
Le basi di questo programma potrebbero proprio essere i 5 punti approvati in Parlamento su proposta di Berlusconi, piu’ altri che potrebbe aggiungere lo stesso Fini o Casini.
Se cio’ fosse, si creerebbe una proiezione di governo piu’ ampia che potrebbe concretizzare quel patto di aggregazione auspicato alla nascita del Pdl.
Al di là pertanto delle chiare incongruenze del discorso di Fini, provocations and tone in some passages overly heavy, you can glimpse in the speech of the leader and the Future of Freedom is a positive side on which you could begin to create the future center.
Finian The convention yesterday in Perugia was an event rather than expected, the direct Rai News allowed all to follow the steps, and between the viewers I was there.
I expected a better shed some light line and less abstract by Finian and probably a bit 'all we were surprised by the position of "government men" who have brought their office into the hands of Fini.
But the complicated political moment in which we live, as well as evolved so far, not read it in a negative. Although reaching out to Berlusconi in a speech Thursday to the National Leadership of the People of Liberty left me hoping for a more 'Council of Fini.
Before setting out my thoughts, I can not but feel bound dall'evidenziare two inconsistencies of the attitude of "future" is rather strange that you ask for the resignation of Berlusconi, elected by the people, while Fini, who was appointed to fill the role of Chairman of the House, has always refused to give their own, and secondly , Finian that the government has a role I should say re put the warrant in the hands of the Head of State who formally appoints them and not of ends.
But we move on to key staff-reading-course of the story. In
not join the wish of government to convene a technical Bersani, Fini finally puts to rest the possibility that his party would approach the center-left, and confirms the identity di centro destra, garantendo pertanto la chiara collocazione politica anche per il futuro.
Contestualmente il leader del Fli ha creato i presupposti per una coalizione modello Ppe che abbraccia anche l’Udc dove ogni singolo partito mantiene le proprie posizioni ma tutti convergono intorno ad un programma unico e condiviso.
Le basi di questo programma potrebbero proprio essere i 5 punti approvati in Parlamento su proposta di Berlusconi, piu’ altri che potrebbe aggiungere lo stesso Fini o Casini.
Se cio’ fosse, si creerebbe una proiezione di governo piu’ ampia che potrebbe concretizzare quel patto di aggregazione auspicato alla nascita del Pdl.
Al di là pertanto delle chiare incongruenze del discorso di Fini, provocations and tone in some passages overly heavy, you can glimpse in the speech of the leader and the Future of Freedom is a positive side on which you could begin to create the future center.
Friday, November 5, 2010
Adult Humor Wedding Invitation Wording
Yesterday I attended the convocation of the National People's Freedom in Rome. The moment was broadcast live and how many of you will have heard, Mr Berlusconi has reached out to the new party of Fini. Verbatim
said: "From our side there is the will to continue the work until the end of term, and there is the willingness to take note of a different political offer in the center. "
The statement seemed very proactive and I seemed to catch even in the room also a general appreciation by the people "hook" Fli.
I therefore hope that the climate can cheer quickly and concretely, however, waiting with a positive expectation on Sunday in Perugia at the convention Fli that could be decisive for the future of the country.
Yesterday I attended the convocation of the National People's Freedom in Rome. The moment was broadcast live and how many of you will have heard, Mr Berlusconi has reached out to the new party of Fini. Verbatim
said: "From our side there is the will to continue the work until the end of term, and there is the willingness to take note of a different political offer in the center. "
The statement seemed very proactive and I seemed to catch even in the room also a general appreciation by the people "hook" Fli.
I therefore hope that the climate can cheer quickly and concretely, however, waiting with a positive expectation on Sunday in Perugia at the convention Fli that could be decisive for the future of the country.
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