Da un recente studio dell’Enea, confermato dai dati dell’Università Bocconi di Milano e del Centro Europeo di Ricerche, emerge con chiarezza l’orientamento degli italiani in merito alla questione dell’energia nucleare. Secondo questo studio, infatti, l’ 80 per cento degli italiani si esprime favorevolmente all’utilizzo delle energie rinnovabili for the production of electricity, proponents of nuclear energy appear to be only 14 percent.
this data would be sufficient to guide the policy discussion towards the choice of renewable energy as an option and only priority in national energy plan and local realities.
Some data are significant and symptomatic of a superficial and inadequate policy of our government in the energy sector, primarily the estimated costs for the construction of four power plants planned in Secondly, the implementation times, to get the first kw should expect least 2020, and finally the energy obtained coverage that at best should correspond to no more than 4.5% of national demand.
An investment is disproportionate to the benefits, Pharaonic proportions of the costs of renewable energy, and then worrying and questionable in relation to environmental impact and waste disposal.
summarize some figures as examples:
- € 25 billion of the cost of four nuclear reactors
- 2020 l’anno in cui il primo reattore sarà in funzione
- 4,5% la copertura energetica prevista
- 250.000 i posti di lavori prodotti in Italia con investimenti nelle energie rinnovabili
I primi di febbraio la Giunta Regionale ha respinto con 24 voti contrari la richiesta delle opposizioni nel dire No al nucleare. Il gruppo consigliare del centro sinistra, attraverso la proposta di un articolo aggiuntivo alla legge finanziaria, ha tentato di far Board promulgate the classroom to the principle according to which the Region of Veneto is precluded installation of equipment for nuclear power generation and storage of radioactive waste ", given" the high rate of human settlement, risk seismic and hydrogeological dell'antieconomicità and risk margins associated with the use of third-generation nuclear reactors. "
Some might argue that the PDL and the League did not express pro-nuclear in Veneto but rejected the option of being contrary, a subtle difference, a fine disquisition policy high diplomacy and balance on the edge of schizophrenia, with evidence also made within the Government by the Minister Zaia who recently said they do not pro-nuclear in Veneto.
Compared to these clear positions taken by the Venetians, the citizens of Porto Tolle, Chioggia, Rosolina sleep well: their future and that of their children are in good hands!
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