Prevention and priorities
".... Tonight I would like to talk about a subject that is close to my heart and that should be a priority in social and health policies in our region, namely the PREVENTION.
Prevention is generally a concept based on two main issues, specifically the health and socio-educational. These two aspects, regional policies, should proceed in parallel.
The concept of prevention refers to a specific social ideology that we Democrats have a value quite different from that of the Northern League and center. There are two visions
of life in opposition, against which we must make precise choices at regional level.
What moves the League and the Centre-Right in its social and health policies? What are their priorities? The priorities of the League are the fear of difference, the immigrant, the petty crime of theft in the villa. He developed as a result, preventive policies that were moving towards this type of prevention: the Bossi-Fini law, the imposition of patrols, the rejection of migrants at sea, the centers for identification and expulsion, the obligation to report by the emergency doctor to the patients who come to them without a permit. These
policy choices correspond to the idea of \u200b\u200bprevention of defensive, which leverages our most archaic fears!
From these assumptions can not be born no real preventive policy; the League and the Center-Right turn problems into EMERGENCIES not implementing any prevention because it requires adequate time, synergies between institutions and citizens, shared rules, changes in styles of life, all in the longer term to achieve clear and stable.
But what are the real social and health problems that our region faces?
- Traffic accidents (particularly the so-called "Saturday night") which are the leading cause of death of people under 30; ACI data for 2009: 5,000 deaths per year and 300,000 injured / serious injuries and 600 accidents per day for an average of 15 deaths per day.
- Accidents at work that according to data INAIL cause 1,000 deaths per year and 11,000 seriously injured and disabled.
- cardio-vascular diseases which constitute the leading cause of death in Italy.
-Increased incidence of cancer.
- Significant increase in COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease).
- Progressive aging of the population.
All these issues involve a huge health care costs as well as a significant social harm.
How can I prevent it? What is the REAL PREVENTION?
Effective prevention is implemented in schools through educational programs that inform young people about the dangers arising from the use of tobacco, alcohol and drugs.
Equally important is to promote policies that encourage people to change lifestyles and follow a proper diet, environmental policies to reduce the now common and widespread air pollution from particulate matter (PM 10) in our Veneto.
These are not real emergencies, these are not the real challenges del nostro prossimo futuro?
Queste sono le vere priorità sociali e allora noi DEMOCRATICI dobbiamo lavorare con forza e convinzione per dare un futuro diverso ai cittadini veneti!
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