Sunday, March 21, 2010

Point And Shoot With Low Iso


I would like a free Veneto,

but by the prejudices and the fear of difference

I would like a Veneto

not give up its development in defense of identity

I would like a Veneto

where people do not die at work and the work


Vorrei un Veneto

In cui ci si occupi della salute dei nostri figli, dell’ambiente e del territorio


Vorrei un Veneto solidale?

con gli ultimi, con i deboli e con chi soffre

I would like a Veneto

in which schools, universities and research are an investment and resources for the future

I would like a Veneto

who does not speak only the dialect, but the languages \u200b\u200bof the World

I would like a Veneto

region that is an example Italy for a united and stronger Europe

I tutto questo e mi impegnerò per realizzarlo!





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