Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Thomson Viper Filmstream Camera For Sale
election after the efforts of recent weeks and after this encouraging personal achievement (1015 preferences) with a fifth place after the most popular and favorites, I would like to thank all who have believed in my message and I want to reassure them that my political commitment will continue without interruption at the municipal and party on the issues that I promoted.
Thanks again and best wishes for a Happy Easter to you all
Cristina Ruffato
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Point And Shoot With Low Iso

I would like a free Veneto,
but by the prejudices and the fear of difference
I would like a Veneto
not give up its development in defense of identity
I would like a Veneto
where people do not die at work and the work
Vorrei un Veneto
In cui ci si occupi della salute dei nostri figli, dell’ambiente e del territorio
Vorrei un Veneto solidale?
con gli ultimi, con i deboli e con chi soffre
I would like a Veneto
in which schools, universities and research are an investment and resources for the future
I would like a Veneto
who does not speak only the dialect, but the languages \u200b\u200bof the World
I would like a Veneto
region that is an example Italy for a united and stronger Europe
I tutto questo e mi impegnerò per realizzarlo!
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Every Color Gel Bracelet Meanings
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Traditional Black Powder Rifle Scopes

I dati di questa ricerca sono eloquenti:
l’occupazione femminile tra i 15 e i 64 anni in Italia è di 12 punti inferiore a quella europea ( il 46% contro il 58% nel terzo trimestre 2009).
-Le donne senza figli sono presenti nel mondo del lavoro per il 65% ( contro il 76% della media europea)
-Le donne con un figlio sono presenti al 60%
-Le donne con due figli sono presenti to 54%
- Women with three or more children are present at 42%
E 'appears therefore that the employment rate of women decreases dramatically with increasing offspring and becomes complicate the maintenance of jobs with increasing age of the children. If
before the birth of the children work so about two out of three women, after pregnancy abandoning the workplace is approximately 27% of employed women.
Women leave their jobs because they are forced to precede their role as mother to professional in a general lack of services and facilities for children or because they undergo a gradual return to work or wear a real bullying that causes them to leave. They are in fact various means to convince someone to leave their place of work: the lack of responsibility over tasks previously assigned, the isolation implied by a group, planned the hostility and the disqualification general deterrence express power to undertake new projects etc ... The difficulties
subjective and internal to their professional responsibilities are inevitable difficulties associated with objective and practical help in finding social rearing their children while continuing to work.
The lack of childcare in our Country is well known, there are, indeed, often without the aid of private structures of the municipalities which are, however, be extremely expensive for families.
In the political and administrative level must rise to the belief that help women and families in managing their children is not only a duty but a moral and social investment that can generate an economic driver in the safe return of real production system.
the economic situation prevailing in our country it is no wonder that many couples face the alternative of a second between salary and the birth of a son bitterly choose the former.
Who knows with what joy in the heart ....!