Saturday, September 13, 2008

Funny Freshman Sayings

Regional Council Presidium on September 12

Yesterday there was a new garrison of protest in the offices of the Regione Campania. A delegation of the Committee met with three representatives of the Presidency, but did not receive any change from the situation.

This is the article in the September 13 Journal of Naples dedicated to the event yesterday
Read this document on Scribd: Giornale di Napoli 13/09/2008

This is the flyer of the event
Flyer Presidio 12 -09-08 - Upload a Document to Scribd
Read this document on Scribd: 12/09/2008 Flyer Presidio

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Should I Sell Or Keep My Mutual Funds

Presidium of Protest Friday, September 12


We fit the competitions of the Campania Region are deeply concerned about our future. Expect to be engaged more than two years after the regional administration has launched two triennial programs in which staff were expected to be our first intake in 2007 and again in 2008. The Campania Region since 2006 has prepared a plan to continue that process of renewal begun with the competition held in 2002. Were recovered substantial economic resources and has been implemented that encouraged a massive exodus has resulted in serious shortages of staff. The whole thing was designed with the objective of recruiting suitable young us, that we have passed on a sacrifice and competition from the Guinness Book of Records with over 230,000 participants.
Unfortunately, since it is charging the new Regional Council, things have changed. The current Councillor for Human Resources and Vice-President, Antonio Valiante has immediately had a very different attitude than its predecessor. In all these months the only thing we heard was a deafening silence on our question. We were told that it was necessary to verify the profiles Valiante ceased in recent years to understand what happened. The fact is that our profiles are newly established, as, for example., As an instructor in software development, programming and control instructor, trainer, marketing, etc.. It is therefore unthinkable that among the staff who retired from 2006 to today, there are figures like that. This argument seemed to us immediately as an excuse for trascinare nel tempo la nostra questione, magari nella speranza che noi idonei ce ne stessimo buoni senza più curare i nostri interessi, le nostre speranze. Insomma un tentativo di rinviare ad libitum l’assunzione di giovani che da due anni aspettano di costruirsi un futuro e d'iniziare un percorso lavorativo guadagnato con pieno merito. Forse è proprio questo il punto, in una società in cui il merito è spesso calpestato a favore di ben altri "principi", gli idonei ai concorsi danno fastidio, probabilmente perché non sono figli di nessuno se non della loro competenza e preparazione.
E' per questo che diciamo basta!
A tal proposito ricordiamo che lo scorso 16 luglio 2008 il Consiglio Regionale ha approvato all'unanimità a resolution, signed and voted on by all the groups board, which commits the Assessor Valiante and the Board to resolve, by the end of this year, urgently, our situation.
We, therefore, Alderman Valiante to keep the commitments made by two years now, also signed by the same Valiante in 2006 and 2007 was Councillor for the Budget.
We also appeal to President Antonio Bassolino, always sensitive to the issue of employment of youth, to intervene directly to end this confusion in the story that is throwing 170 young people and their families.
We want to stay and work in our land, we would not be forced to emigrate and there hope that the Regional Council does not want this, it would be an ominous sign of indifference and distance compared to the needs of the territory and citizenship. However, we will fight all the way appropriate to protect our rights and to ensure that they keep their promises since 2006.
why we have set for Friday, September 12 at 11:00 am to protest a new garrison in the offices of the Regional Government of Campania Via Saint Lucia.