Thursday, July 31, 2008

What To Do For A Cat That Ate Ribbon


former director of the CSC of the Humane Society of Cagliari, Salvatore Pinna, recently paid homage to the result of some of his work on the Sardinian Sardinian Cinematheque (l Eggi the last speech of Salvatore Pinna) . You may be tempted to think that having been the protagonist of an important part of the history of what he writes Cinematheque Sarda is respectful of the historical truth. In reality this is not so exposed some falsehoods reported by its actions would be as easy as shooting on the Red Cross. Apart from the things that are not true, it is obvious that everything else everyone is entitled to his views, and even Salvatore Pinna has the right to change his mind, to refute the claimed and wrote recently. To better understand - and also to look a bit 'tender and generous understanding the reasons behind the actions of the former - quoted in full the last two pages of Salvatore Pinna essay published in the recent volume published by the FICC and dedicated the figure of Fabio Masala, entitled Fabio Masala. A new life for the public , Which was presented in the lounge of the Film Library of Cagliari in Sardinia in January 2006. These are pages 41 and 42 of a document signed by Salvatore Pinna Salvatore Figus, but in reality everyone knows to be written in full by the first. It is underlined in red where the pace is measured in a more radical ideas that can change quickly. But to each his own: if a fin like to cite as a model and take hermeneutic Francesco Cossiga, we will continue to cite and refer to Fabio Masala, that in matters of cultural policy and film library still has much to teach.

"What an idea out of date: a Film Archive, which collects and provides film and equipment, distributing cards, which form entertainment. Why ever if the liberation of the spectator (and of the Citizen is presumed) may occur by the same "internal dynamics" in Western society those induced by technological advances, and then by mechanical smi auto-expansive market .

Strange people, those who, like Fabio Masala, believed in an old form of distribution that requires a presence, a come and go, a contact between people. He replied, not always find a listening thoughtfully, which was essential an organized social control of production processes, distribution and consumption of culture and education. Why is it falling over on treatment of "pure" logic of the market, which is played in the future audiovisual, their potential for emancipation and development of social creativity . And in the passage by the virtual technique the effectiveness and cultural policy that will decide the fate of democracy. As stated Filippo De Sanctis, a large manufacturer Fabio Masala sector with the Film Library, "The goal of a collective exercise processes information is not technologically you utopian, impractical or socially: it is politically and culturally difficult. "That's it, you might add.

institution that thinks otherwise

repeat the question, there will be a film library as they had dreamed of the founders ? must believe optimistically that there will be. But it is difficult to imagine. As has been said you can not see a political dimension of planning . I can not intangible ginare in which instance or manifestation of current policy, see that investment in the construction of confidence, widespread and participatory democratic life and the economy. There must be still in our accounts, that agent outside of essential stimulus, which was the Humane Society. That way of "thinking differently", by non-governmental institution that has experienced examples and prototypes, and has interacted well with the public body shall not liable to disappear.

power, nothing less than the power

We see movements in the field that does not promise anything Buo not. They seem to signal a kind of infatuation with the words {not enough to say the film library), and isolation from the totality of the cultural politics of education as we discussed, areas of expertise. It would bad if they were made in the name of Fabio Masala. It has been said of the indissoluble link of audiovisual ace associations, training. No time to modern delete them from a cultural policy just as they had imagined born in the future, the great founders. It must also be said of reason that Fabio Masala aversion felt for specialists and sectors.

Vale Fabio Masala what he said, in 1990, on Filippo De Sanctis. He emphasized, with particular reference to the further mo period of professional work of De Sanctis, its not shut himself in the special and then not even in film and television . And picking out the choice of addressing the broader new public "includes" the book (public and libraries), music, museums, theater, poetry (Prato Project). shut themselves up in the special, said Fabio Masala citing Asi mov, "would entail the consequence to achieve a perfect ignorance of all that exists in the world except for a very limited section of nothing. "Another significant phrase, not only the wide cultural interests, but also references to ethical Fabio - still about the Focus - it took from Simon Weil the Notebooks: "If on any subject you know too much things, knowledge turns into ignorance, or knowledge should rise to another". "

Monday, July 21, 2008

Selling Silver Eagle Bus

Hanno aderito in queste ore

were received acceptances of the two directors Ermanno Olmi and Riccardo Milani .
We thank them for their support.

Friday, July 18, 2008

South Park Streaming On Iphone

L'IRRE Sardegna, Agenzia nazionale per lo sviluppo dell’autonomia scolastica e la SOCIETÀ UMANITARIA:

We offer a testimony of Gabriella Lanero and Gian Piero Liori the relationship that developed between the two parties in the past, in relation to National Plan for the dissemination of film language and audiovisual in the school. The Friends of the Film Library Sarda thank them for their important contribution to the debate and deepening of the role that the Humane Society has served in education, also in synergy with the institutional training agencies.

Download the contribution of the IRR in PDF format (81 kb)

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Certificate Of Deposit Rates

Pagine di cinema in bianco e nero - Rassegna cinema a Monte Claro


Assessorato alla Cultura, Identità, Spettacolo e Sport
La Biblioteca va al Parco
Masterpieces of literature on screen
Parco di Monte Claro
Piazzetta della Cappella di Santa Maria Chiara
(left lane of fountain)
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Trip to the Moon by Georges Méliès (France, 1902)
the novels of Jules Verne
ASH Febo Mari, Arturo Ambrosio (Italy, 1916)
novel by Grazia Deledda
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Little Women by George Cukor (USA, 1933)
From the novel by Louise M. Alcott
Thursday, July 31, 2008
WRATH John Ford (USA, 1940)
From the novel by John Steinbeck
Thursday, August 7, 2008
The Betrothed Mario Camerini (Italy, 1941) From the novel
di Alessandro Manzoni
Giovedì 21 agosto 2008
IL GRANDE SONNO di Howard Hawks (Usa, 1946)
Dal romanzo di Raymond Chandler
Giovedì 28 agosto 2008
IL TERZO UOMO di Carol Reed (Gran Bretagna, 1949)
Dal romanzo di Graham Greene
Giovedì 4 settembre 2008
OTELLO di Orson Welles (USA, Francia, 1949-52)
Dal dramma di William Shakespeare
Thursday, September 11, 2008
TERESA Raquin by Marcel Carné (Italy, France, 1953)
From the novel by Emile Zola
Thursday, September 18, 2008
White Nights of Luchino Visconti (Italy, 1957)
From the novel by Fyodor Dostoevsky Mihajlovic
Provincial Library of Cagliari
Vico S. XIV John, 8 / 12

Tel 070 4092901 Email:
Humane Society - Cinematheque
Sarda Cagliari Viale Trieste, 118 070 Tel
280 367 Email: @

Friday, July 11, 2008

Baby Phrases For Baby Pictionary

Incontro sulla Cineteca Sarda - Comunicato stampa del Gruppo S.A:

Regional Council of Sardinia
Cagliari was held yesterday in the debate, at the student's home in Via Trentino, entitled "What future for the film library Sardinian? " organized by the group left in the Regional Autonomy.
Participation and numerous interventions, even critical, to the modes of implementing the Law on Regional cinema represent the signal of a request to participate in fundamental decisions affecting the life, including social and cultural life of our island that can not be underestimated , let alone ignored. The history of
Humane Society and, in particular, the Film Library of Sardinia is a part of the history of emancipation many Sardinians. The tangible and intangible heritage of many years of social work can not and should not be cleared.
In the spirit of those who want to preserve the continuity of a public service in the true sense of the term, many voiced strong concerns about the future of the Film Library of the Sardinian
Humane Society.
We believe that there is still time and space to resume a dialogue that seemed finished.
We believe that Councillor Maria Antonietta Mongiu will take in positive moods and concerns emerged to reach, as soon as possible to a solution of the problem.
The Region has a duty of the experience of the Film Archive for the Sardinian regional constitution of the Foundation, only in this way can be perceived as public property of all.
Cagliari, July 11 08

Paola Lanzi President of the Left Autonomist ;
Salvatore Serra
Regional Director of the PDCI

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Vba Pokemon Leaf Green Money Cheat

Ecco l'elenco dei primi 1160 firmatari

You can download the pdf file with a list of the first signatories of the 1160 petition . Currently, the petitioners are many more and we shall complete the list to be viewed in the coming days.
Here's the link: Download the file

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

What Quotes From Bible Mean

Quale futuro per la Cineteca sarda? - Giovedì 10 meeting of Cagliari all'ERSU

Plan Left group in the Regional Autonomy
Thursday, July 10 - 17:30
ERSU - Hall Cosseddu
Cagliari Via Trentino-
Regional Councillor Education
Parent Left autonomy in the Regional Council
Regional Council PDCI
President Humane Society
professor of cinema, University of Cagliari
MARCO Asuncion
National President FICC
The President of the Region
Renato Soru
Article. 14 of Law 15/2006 provides for the establishment of the Foundation "Sardinian Regional Film Archive" in order to facilitate the acquisition, cataloging, study and research, use for cultural and educational film heritage and audiovisual, and the preservation and dissemination of films of regional interest. What function and role attributed to the Humane Society of Film Library Sarda?

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Is Non Fat Milk Safe For Men?

Peter Clemente and The Film Archive Film Archive Sardinian

Dear friends,

your appeal and the reference to the date of birth Sardinian Cinematheque (1966) reminds me inevitably to the early 60s, in particular to 1963 and 64 I worked with Fabio Masala, and participated in the work of the Humane Society, with placements in Meina and Sardinia. I remember that job 'founder' of culture, even as a work in which I was being established myself as a 'man of culture'. It was a theme that Fabio was very Masala, to start working in a cultural group that deprive us aspiring intellectual air of privilege or the smell of the academy. Jokes on Stage, the ability of management techniques (the sender), to the performances (to read cards and other novels) to stand in groups in a balanced way, not to be too individualistic and the sense of the public use culture have been crucial for the generation that was then 'made' the '68 and created the cultural circles, networks still sono vive. Anche nella sezione del PSI di Cagliari e poi del PSIUP con Fabio ci caricavamo il proiettore a 16 mm pesantissimo per proiettare Il ferroviere di Germi, o ci addestravamo a leggere brani di libri di letteratura a sfondo sociale che leggevamo nei circoli di lettura. Facevamo un lavoro di base, con un linguaggio non elitario mirato alla cultura come patrimonio collettivo. Il proiettore talora non funzionava, ci mancava la lampadina di riserva, e dopo aver fatto 'speakeraggio' con una Cinquecento e avere raccolto un po' di giovani non certo avvezzi agli incontri culturali dovevamo spiegare che il film non ci sarebbe stato. Talaltra la nostra insistenza per il dibattito incontrava resistenze 'pre-morettiane'. Ma facevamo quello che ancora oggi è il nucleo della formazione culturale di massa, cercare la gente dove vive e coinvolgerla nei processi culturali che schivano i luoghi di frontiera e la gente comune, per cercare riflettori, bravi presentatori, e televisioni.

Fabio Masala riuscì poi con la Cineteca Sarda a creare un servizio culturale diffuso, che nasceva da quelle esperienze fondative, ma che si basava proprio sul lavoro capillare di 'organizzatori di cultura'.

Ho scarsa considerazione dei processi che nascono dall'alto, da gente molto pagata, che ha magari entrature mediatiche, che sfoggiano supertecnologie e nascondono nuove forme di privilegio se non la mercantilizzazione e spettacolarizzazione (Aestheticization) of the sphere of culture. The culture has long been flooded with good presenters and polemicists narcissists who proclaim their own indispensability.

year the ICOM - Italy and the Conference's national museum associations have made a strong appeal, almost dramatic, exhibitions against major 'blockbuster' without research and with great tourism appeal, condemning to silence the museums and cultural work of research, made by skilled mediators and supported by advisors with a desire for visibility. He raised the role of culture of the organization stable against the ephemeral, considered desertificanti exhibitions, which reflect a deposit and then take away billions to public networks minute and local museums, schools, local associations. Statistics leave many feet have crossed a threshold where the goal was to fetishize a few objects or works of the Louvre, or smuggle a work culture where there were only 'masterpieces', uncritical or objects that are important because they are announced with much publicity organized for-profit.

I believe that we must take the cultural battle against the management of culture by politicians, managers, not by specialists, against the great centralizing architectures and pharaonic projects, against the extension of the concept of spectacular high-quality production Public events cultural, culture to serve the public, and managed by those who do research and not by who is the best advertising slogans. I'm living in Tuscany, dramatically, these phenomena, because it is an active advocate a left historically linked to this territory, but strongly transformed by the media management of politics and culture.

I am busy for several years on the front of ethnographic museums, and chairs the national association of museums and demo-ethno-anthropological heritage (Simbdea) in this paper I have rediscovered the importance of 'organization culture' and I started back to work with Fabio Masala: in the sense that museums are all film, TV, read the story, historical memory, poses problems to expand access, they must win the public, especially young people, communicate with schools, etc ... I've rediscovered issues such as civil society, the work from below for democracy, the new concepts of community , also mediated by the Internet, the cultural isolation of many social actors (young people, immigrants, older women ...), the subjective need and importance of collective 'each tell his story' and do not always tell the same stories of the few who have access to TV and publishing market.

What do I say that the type of work I did with Fabio Masala to the origins of the Cinematheque Sarda, change techniques and cultural spaces, is still indispensable. This year I decided to describe the work of the local museum with a cell phone image from Naples in recent years, and the educational practices of border cities in Latin America, full of children who escaped or were orphaned, that of 'master' of the road, you search for students and that shapes his work as a cultural achievement from an encounter with them. A museum 'master of the road' does not point to the signature of a great architect, but a tenacious research, dialogue with technology, discovery of local cultures (and the young 'You Tube') that things often do artists contemporaries to understand how the world is changing.

I think a lot about this job and I am convinced that the Film Library of Sardinia is made of this kind of work 'embedded' in a social memory that would be useful to reactivate, which has a potential for constant updates (it has always been a feature) , and 'organization culture'. It's really not that much time working with you, except for some occasional encounter but I have always confirmed the idea of \u200b\u200ba 'heritage' of knowledge, practices, documents unavoidable. So I can not give full support and motivated about things that do not know, but I'll do with enthusiasm as part of a common history of the organization's culture in dialogue with civil society, in the belief che quel modo che ha formato me è ancora valido nella formazione diffusa e capillare oggi, nell'uso sociale partecipato dei beni culturali e del patrimonio culturale di cui parlano le nostre leggi .

Forza Paris


Pietro Clemente